Thursday, August 19, 2010

Just Another Day...

   How are you living life? In truth, in a lie, adventurous, well endured? Every day the same question comes into my head, and everyday I confront that question, how am I as an individual living my life? The answer is simple but every day it’s different and constantly changing, in a lie, no of course not but in diverse ways of entertainment and living. Today was a full and exciting day, waking up early in the morning to find my roommate so silently sneaking in the room trying so hard not to wake me up, so I thought. The next thing I know as I open my right eye to catch a glimpse of what she is doing I hear the ever so high pitch of "Oh Shel, good you’re awake! I have to tell you so much about yesterday” after she had promised that following night that she would be back in a couple hours, she forcing ended up having to stay the night and come up the next morning, I didn’t mind in the least bit and trying to slowly wake up it was kind of fun to hear what she had to say.

   That’s when my day began, I finally decided after a good two hours of being lazy and laying in bed it was time to get up. Surprisingly I didn’t have school today, it was the end of the summer semester and things are slowly starting to pull though and become finished. The only bad part is moving your entire apartment, recently my roommate and I decide that living in a one bedroom, one bathroom hotel room wasn’t the luxury living we intended it to be. So on that note, we found a new apartment more suitable and compatible for us and we both are excited to move in but moving is an absolute killer, and we are pretty much at that point where we wish everything packed itself up and moved without any effort. But we all know that that’s never going to happen, no matter how much we hope for it, so sadly I just need to stop complaining and deal with the odds. With that being said it bring me back to what my dad would always lecture me on, “If you didn’t put hard work into it, you might as well not have it” so I am hoping by the end of this I will feel better knowing that I accomplished moving and having a beautiful home set up.

But my day doesn’t finish there; I still had to fit working out a homework schedule and helping out a good friend but all in good time it was worth it and again I had the feeling that yet another thing was accomplished. As I was heading home, I thought it might be a good idea to stop by a Smiths grocery store to get a couple healthy snacks for Vanessa and me, since we literally had NO food in our apartment Aka (also known as) poor college students and this time Top Raman wasn’t going to cut it. As I headed into the store I was coming down the escalator when in the corner of my eye I noticed a handsome young man,(guessing he was around the age of 23) staring at me. Pretending not to noticed I casually keep walking, in spit to see what he was going to do. He followed as I turned the corner and kept walking straight. The thought came in my head “ Mmmmm…cute boys number tonight?” i was about to reach for some bread right then I felt a gentle tap on my shoulder,smiling but turning around in all modesty the young man muttered “ sorry to bother you miss, but your credit card is about to fall out of your back pocket” pointing to my dark jeans with his left hand which happened to have a nice shiny silver band on his ring finger…(in thought) FAIL!.I thanked him and walked away with the ever so slight feel of embarrassment. After collecting my things, I quickly heading home catching the tracks and arriving to my apartment where I ran in to tell Vanessa all about it. We sat there laughing! Over all today was a good day and I defiantly felt that I accomplished yet another day with a good amount of adventures. That’s my plan and that’s why started this blog is to (try=being key word) to occasionally jot down day to day adventures of living life to the fullest. Challenge for those who might be reading, ask yourself this, Are you living life to the fullest it can be?

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